Last Updated on October 14, 2021 by admin

The difference between narau manabu and benkyou suru

The difference between narau manabu and benkyou suru

Japanese words narau (習う) manabu (学ぶ) and benkyou suru (勉強する) in English all refer to “to learn”, but we use in different ways

First, let’s see Narau (習う), it refers to “to learn, to study, to take lessons”, to learn a skill, or method of doing something from a teacher or expert. It is implied that a certain amount of time is required. Let’s see the examples below

1) 私は子供の頃バレエを習っていました。
Romaji:Watashiwa kodomono koro bareeo naratteimashita.
English: I took classical ballet lessons when I was a child.

2) 私は習ったことはないけれど、ギターが弾ける。
Romaji:Watashiwa naratta kotowa naikeredo, gitaaga hikeru.
English: Although I have never taken lessons, I can play the guitar.

3) 私は最近スペイン語を習い始めました。
Romaji:Watashiwa saikin supeingoo narai hajimemashita.
English: I have recently begun learning Spanish.

Manabu (学ぶ), to acquire useful learning, knowledge, technique, etc. through experiencing or watching, with or without a teacher.

1) 加藤さんと私は、同じ大学で学びました。
Romaji:Katoosanto watashiwa, onaji daigakude manabimashita.
English: Mr. Kato and I studied at the same university.

2) 子供たちはキャンプ生活から、多くのことを学んだ。
Romaji:Kodomotachiwa kyanpu seikatsukara, ookuno kotoo mananda.
English: The children learned a lot from their time at summer camp.

3) 今回の経験から私は、友情の尊さを学んだ。
Romaji:Konkaino keikenkara watashiwa, yuujoono tootosao mananda.
English: I learned the true value of friendship from this experience.

Benkyou suru (勉強する), to strive to acquire learning, knowledge, etc. It is generally used to refer to scholarly matters and not technique or skill.

1) 私は一日に3時間勉強する。
Romaji:Watashiwa ichinichini sanjikan bennkyou suru.
English: I study three hours every day.

2) 私の弟は勉強するのが大嫌いです。
Romaji:Watashino otootowa benkyou surunoga daikiraidesu.
English: My little brother hates studying.

3) 試験が近いんだから、もっと勉強しなさい。
Romaji:Shikenga chikaindakara, motto benkyou shinasai.
English: The test is coming up soon, so study harder.

Benkyou suru (勉強する) is used to indicate that the speaker feels that an experience provided to be a useful one.

1) その失敗は、彼女にとっていい勉強になった。
Romaji: Sono shippaiwa, kanojoni totte ii benkyouni natta.
English: That failure was a good lesson for her.

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