What is the Best Way to Learn Japanese

When you first decide to learn Japanese, the natural question is: how? While there are myriad ways to learn Japanese online and offline workbooks purporting to provide all the material necessary to teach yourself Japanese, in practice none of them, no matter how thorough, measure up to dedicated instruction time with a native experienced Japanese teacher.

Such teachers are available, both online Japanese tutors and private Japanese native tutors especially in Hong Kong, in two basic structures: either a class with numerous students, or private one-on-one tutoring. But which to pick? Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The best way to learn Japanese will ultimately depend on your needs and how you learn best.

Japanese Learning Costs

First of all, there is the issue of money. Private Japanese tutoring time can run significantly more expensive than a larger Japanese school class, logically enough: either way the teacher needs to be compensated fairly for their time, but in a school class their compensation is spread over multiple students, reducing the cost to each individual. So there is that to consider if budgeting is a concern for you.

Personal Attention

However, commensurate with a higher cost for private Japanese lessons comes a higher focus on your learning. Just as cost of a teacher is spread over all the students in a class, so too the teacher’s time is divided between them: any personal attention or accommodation for your individual needs and preferences has to compete with others’. If your learning Japanese patterns fit well with the teacher’s educational methods, this may not be much of a concern. You may have more oral speaking practice time with your private Japanese tutors.


Another primary benefit you purchase with the extra cost of a private Japanese lesson is convenience. Japanese school Classes must take place at a set time, and students are expected to arrange their own schedules accordingly. If you miss a Japanese lesson, it’s incumbent on you to catch up on your own or risk falling behind permanently. Commutes can also be onerous. Again, it’s certainly possible that you will find a class that fits well with your schedule and doesn’t require much travel to reach, but you can’t count on it.

A private Japanese tutor, on the other hand, only needs to work to your schedule (and their own), and can be available at a time that’s convenient for you. There are limits, of course, but when it’s often a matter of as little as a half an hour either way to avoid conflict, the ability to control your scheduling can make all the difference. There again, tutors generally meet at your home, or in some public place convenient for you.

Hong Kong Native Japanese Tutors Helping Your Japanese Learning More Effectively

はじめまして。私は”Hong Kong Japanese Tutor”のMITSUKOです。日本の出身地は東京です。香港に来てかれこれ28年が経ちました。私は日系企業に勤め顧客サービス、オンラインマーケティング、旅客、貿易業務等、25年以上の実務経験を持ちます。趣味は、音楽全般と東京江戸歴史文化です。仕事や趣味を通じて外国の方々と知り合うなかで、日本に興味がある人のため、少し力になることができれば嬉しく感じております。そして、日本の良さをもっと知って欲しい、日本にもっと興味を持って欲しいと考えております。



皆さん、こんにちは。”Hong Kong Japanese Tutor”のKazuhikoです。出身は大阪で香港での生活を約15年間エンジョイしています。





