Kids Classes | Kids Courses | Japanese lesson for Children

Kids Classes | Kids Courses | Japanese lesson for ChildrenAre you looking for different Kids classes and Kids Courses for your children in Hong Kong? Around 30+ native Japanese teachers who are living in Hong Kong are providing one-on-one Japanese courses or semi-group courses for your children. We have a solid expertise in Kids Japanese language education. Therefore, we have the knowledge, understanding and experience to ensure your children enjoy, learn and are inspired in our classes. Teachers from Japanese kindergarten schools who have rich teaching experiences for Japanese kids.

Kids Japanese Courses and Classes are designed by our native Japanese teachers, to sustain and enhance children’s learning interest and motivation in learning Japanese, we will focus in more detail

—Encourage children to learn by using their senses and promote all-round development in Japanese Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing
—Choose real-life themes and provide children with interesting Japanese learning experiences
—Create a friendly, respectful, accepting, appreciative and harmonious learning atmosphere

Our Japanese instructors create a happy and interactive classroom environment through interactive Japanese conversations and fun Japanese teaching games, attracts and encourages children to listen and speak Japanese more, helping correct children’s Japanese pronunciation, enhances their ability to speak Japanese Confidence, teach children Japanese etiquette, and expand children’s worldview.

Kids Classes | Kids Courses | Japanese lesson for Children

Japanese lessons for aged 2 to 4 young kids

Interactive Japanese lessons help the young kids build strong interests in Japanese study
— Interactive lessons (pronunciation correction, sing, roleplay)20 mins to 30 mins
— Storytelling (build Japanese expression ability) 20 mins to 30 mins
— Color pictures books reading (develop children’s Japanese reading habits) 20 mins to 30 mins

Japanese lessons for aged 4 to 5 young kids

—-Improve Japanese writing skills, including writing Chinese characters, and gradually enter regular Japanese learning
—-Focus on Japanese pronunciation correction, especially dakuon (Voiced sound), handakuon (semi-voiced sound), sokuon, yōon and chōon, help the young kids improve natural intonation as native Japanese
—-Learn most common nouns, verbs and adjectives in Japanese
—-Through different activities (show and tell) help the kids build the confident in speaking Japanese
—-Teach the basic sentences and help children build confidence in communicating in Japanese (focus on interactive communication)

Japanese lessons for aged 5 to 6 young kids

—-Learn to organize sentences and sentences structures
—-Write and read simple Japanese sentences
—-Pronunciation correction for dakuon, handakuon, sokuon, yōon and chōon, help the children to build Japanese books reading habits
—-Teach more complex sentences
—-Learn the difficulties Particles in Japanese, including は、が、で、に、の、を
—-Through the activities, such as speech (show and tell) further build the child confident in communicating in Japanese

Experienced Japanese Tutors for Kids

Toddlers|Teenager|Kids Japanese
Hello everyone, I am AMI, I am a professional Kindergarten Japanese school teacher, I was born in Kyushu, has tutoring experiences at private school in Japan for 4 years, Japanese kindergarten school teaching experiences for 3 years. When I was a student, I started my teaching career overseas, teaching Japanese for foreign kids and share Japanese cultural, from that time I found my interests in teaching Japanese language, this is the primary reason why I became a kindergarten school teacher.

My teaching style is mainly using color cards, picture books and visual teaching media, which helps the young kids and child learn Japanese in a fun way, develop their learning Japanese interests, by singing Japanese nursery rhymes, dancing and other activities to help children remember Japanese words easily and happily, for those teenagers who focus on Japanese conversation, I will change the teaching method according to the learning style of different students, and tailor made customized Japanese courses for students.

I love overseas traveling, I have been to over 15 countries, I also love sports when I was a child, looking forward to seeing you, let’s learn Japanese in a fun and no pressure way!


はじめまして、ASUKAです! 私は中学、高校とインターナショナルスクールに通っていたので他文化にとても興味があり、とりわけ言語を学ぶことが好きです。私自身、中学校からインドネシア語を、昨年の夏から韓国語と広東語を学んでいるので、新たな言語を学ぶことが難しいことは身を持って体験しています。みなさん日本語を学ぶ目 的は違うと思うので、一人一人の希望に沿ったレッスンをしていきます。

趣味は音楽を聴いたり映画を見たりすることです。特にディズニー映画とジブリ作品は同じ作品を繰り返し見てし まうほど大好きです。音楽は、邦楽や洋楽はもちろん、韓国語や広東語の曲など幅広いジャンルの曲を知っています。日本語は奥が深い言語です。みなさんと一緒に日本語を学ぶことをとても楽しみにしています!

はじめまして KAORIと申します。小学生のお子様に日本語を教えるお手伝い。日本への旅行がお好きな方、日本に興味がある方への日本語レッスンのお手伝いをさせて頂きたいです。








みなさん、こんにちは。TOSHIEと申します。京都出身で、現在、新界のSham Tsengに住んでいます。日本語に興味をお持ちの方に、ぜひお会いして、いろいろとお話しができればと思っています。レッスンの時間や場所はお気軽にご相談ください。









We have around 30+ native Japanese teachers who are living in Hong Kong, we are providing one on one or semi-group Japanese courses and lessons for kids, please check more detailed information hereHong Kong Japanese TutorFind a right teacher for you!

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