Japanese Learning in Hong Kong

Native Japanese Tutor KANA


Native Japanese Teacher KANA
Japanese Teaching Experience 1 year
Native Language Japanese
Language Ability Fluent in English
Born OSAKA – Japan
Teaching Area Central, Sheung Wan, Admiralty, East Side of Hong Kong Island

Japanese Courses Provided by KANA

  • Japanese in Job Interview Course
  • Presentation in Japanese Course
  • Business Japanese Course
  • Travel Japanese Course
  • Japanese Pronunciation Course
  • Japan Culture Course

Hong Kong Native Japanese Tutor KANA

Hello, I am KANA from Osaka, I came to Hong Kong in 2003, have living in Hong Kong for 16 years (~2018). I had been flying as a cabin crew all over the world especially between Hong Kong to Japan. I would like to share useful information, culture difference, manners to people who those plan to visit Japan or would like to come in the future. I love cooking so would be nice to share Japanese culture such as Japanese cuisine. My aim is helping you to communicate travel, business, interviews whenever, whatever you need to.

皆さん、こんにちは、大阪出身のKANAと申します。”Hong Kong Japanese Tutor”サイトの日本語教師です。香港をベースに客室乗務員(キャビンクルー)として15年間(~2018年)乗務し、日本便を主に、世界中を飛び回っていました。日本に来られる方、また将来日本に来たいという皆さんに役に立つ情報、文化の違いやマナーなど共有しながら日本語を一緒に学んだらいいなと思っています。また私は料理が好きなので、日本食について、レシピや日本料理のコツなど関する文化交流をしながら日本語を学ぶのも楽しいと思います。特に会話を通じて、皆さんが使える日本語を身に付けるお手伝いができれば良いなと思います。

Private Japanese Lessons and Personalized Programs

I will adjust individual needs.
If you wish to use your own textbook, more than welcome to do so. Also I can support different learning materials such as textbooks, magazines, newspaper etc., depends on your needs and level.




Japanese Teaching Qualifications and Experience

Teaching experiences (part time)
I used to support people who work for bank to improve their communication and presentation skills in Japanese.

Japanese Teaching Approach

My aim is helping you to be able to communicate in Japanese. Therefore, I would focus on communicate skills, such as speaking, listening, pronunciation, tones.

Totally up to you to decide the learning method and I am happy to adjust with you. However, I believe it’s efficient learning way is we read through textbook or any materials together then let’s discuss about that topic later. I would explain it either Japanese or English.

Ask KANA Teacher Japanese Learning Questions


KANA先生’s Answer:







KANA先生’s Answer:


KANA先生へ 「忙しかったです」と「忙しかったでした」の違いについて説明してくれませんか?

KANA先生’s Answer:

Ask KANA Teacher Japanese Culture Questions

「思いやり」「考慮」日本の文化と言うよりは、日本人の気質かもしれません。実際、日本人と話をすると、なんだか返答が だなとか、返事がはっきりしないと感じられることもあるでしょう。しかし、実際な自分の為より、相手にとって最善な答えを出そうとするため、迅速に進まない事もあります。なかなか知らなければ、理解できない時もある日本人の習慣ですが、言語を学ぶ際、日本の文化、習慣、日本人の気質などに興味を持って頂ければ、コミュニケーションを上手く、スムーズに取るのに役に立つかもしれないですネ。

Consideration for others in Japan
Consideration may be a disposition of Japanese rather than a Japanese culture. In fact, when you talk to Japanese people, you may feel that the reply is slow and the reply is not clear. However, it is because we are trying to give the best answer for the other person and the reply may get late. It’s Japanese peoples’ way of thinking that sometimes you can’t understand or you may get confused, but if you are also interested in Japanese culture, customs, and Japanese people’s thinking when you learn Japanese language, then you can communicate well and smoothly with native Japanese people, these extra knowledge information may be useful.

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