Last Updated on July 8, 2021 by admin

Offering, Accepting and Refusing in Japanese

Watashi wa koohii de ii desu

Ms. B, Ms.C And Ms.D went to visit Ms. A’s house. Ms. A asked, “Koohii demo iremashoo ka? Soretomo koocha ga ii desu ka?” Ms. B replied, “Koohii wa ii desu” Ms. C said, “Koohii de ii desu” and Ms. D said, “Koohii ga ii desu.”

These answers appear to be very similar, but each has a different meaning. ~ wa ii means “I don’t want~”, ~de ii is used when you don’t want the other person to go to too much trouble, or you wish not to say what you really want because you know it is troublesome, and ~ga ii is used when you are clearly stating a preference.

Offering, Accepting and Refusing in Japanese

Offering, Accepting and Refusing in Japanese

The word before wa, de, or ga may refer to a variety of things, including time, place, or people. In these cases as well, wa ii expresses refusal, de ii indicates permission or compromise with hesitation, while ga ii expresses desire.

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