Last Updated on July 7, 2021 by admin

Japanese Male and Female

Japanese do not consider it proper for a Japanese Female to talk more than a Japanese Male in public. Since ancient times it has been believed that a Japanese Female should never express herself verbally, but rather should always quietly carry out what she is told by her superiors. This is considered the highest feminine virtue. Thus, as the Japanese Male is in a superior position, he must act in such a way that the woman’s thoughts and feelings are taken into consideration.

In Japan, when a female marry a guy, usually the female changes her surname to her husband’s, so a married couple have the same last name. However nowadays the rule is up for debate.

If a female gets divorced then need to change her surname back to her original family name, which may make the things become more complicated, she needs to change all her bank account names, passport name, report to the company etc.