March 2014

Japanese Male and Female

By |March 2nd, 2014|

Japanese Male and Female
Japanese do not consider it proper for a Japanese Female to talk more than a Japanese Male in public. Since ancient times it has been believed that a Japanese Female should never express herself verbally, but rather should always quietly carry out […]

February 2014

Apologize in Japan

By |February 27th, 2014|

Apologize in Japan

When Japanese people apologize, they consider it best to simply bow their head and say, “I am sorry” rather than adding any explanatory defense for what they have done, because they feel that any such defense means […]

Apology Culture in Japan

By |February 25th, 2014|

Apology Culture in Japan
Japanese people do indeed use a great number of words of apology. Very often, they use an apology in place of words of gratitude.
For instance, an old woman gets on a bus. Someone gets up to […]

Serve a Meal in Japan

By |February 23rd, 2014|

Serve a Meal in Japan
When Japanese people serve their guests a meal they often say, “I have nothing at all to offer you, but please eat what there is.” Of course, if there really was not anything to offer, […]

Visit Home in Japan

By |February 22nd, 2014|

Visit Home in Japan
When Japanese people go to visit the home of an acquaintance, they frequently take a gift, and the greeting that is commonly made when offering such a gift is also strange to foreign ears. We say, […]

First Meet Up

By |February 20th, 2014|

First Meet Up
Japanese people also have the custom of asking someone they have just met how many children they have. It seems that foreign women sometimes feel this is an extremely rude question. But it is not an attempt […]

October 2013

Japanese Language

By |October 28th, 2013|

Japanese Language
Some of the things that Japanese people say to each other in the course of their daily lives sound very strange to foreigners. For instance, when we run into an acquaintance on the street, we often say, “Where […]